Acts of Will: The Life and Work of Otto Rank : with a New Preface [Book]
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موعد الوصول: 24 يناير – 11 فبراير
مقارنة الأسعار
تفاصيل المنتج
: كتاب ورقي
: غير خيالي
: قصص حياة
: E. James Lieberman
: University of Massachusetts Press, paperback
"Once Freud's most favored student and closest associate, Otto Rank came to be reviled by the psychoanalytic establishment that formerly revered him. This first complete biography exposes the hostile, at times even libelous treatment of Rank in the standard histories of psychoanalysis and shows him to be one of the great analytic pioneers of this century. Indeed, his influence was felt not only by mental health professionals but also by such artists and writers as Anais Nin, Henry Miller, Paul Goodman, and Max Lerner."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc.
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