History teaches us, contrary to popular belief, that money can buy happiness, drugs are mostly good, low-fat diets may not prevent cancer or heart disease. For Hecht, the assumptions about happiness that guide our actions are distorted by myths, fantasies and "nonsensical" cultural biases.
Though this book is wide-ranging, Jennifer Hecht gets right to the point in describing the kinds of happiness she wants to explore, and the reasons we seem to ...
The Happiness Myth is a fascinating cultural history that both reveals our assumptions about how we pursue happiness today and offers up real historical lessons ...
28/06/2014 · This is a book about many different things, ostensibly tied together into a treatise about what it takes to be happy in our modern (or any ...
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A historian and a poet examines the sources of happiness in our time.
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The Happiness Myth is a fascinating cultural history that both reveals our often silly assumptions about how we pursue happiness today and offers up real ...
The Happiness Myth, by Jennifer Hecht discusses the assumptions of happiness that can be seen in both history and today's society, and what it means to be.
06/05/2007 · Take the chapters on money, that stuff we're told can't buy us happiness. Hecht rightly points out that no one really believes this, that of ...
14.95 US$
About the Book. In this unique cultural history, Jennifer Michael Hecht looks at contemporary happiness advice and explains why most of it doesn't work.
25/05/2007 · By looking at history, Hecht offers new ways to reimagine the way our society uses happiness drugs, money and shopping, news and vigils, refusal ...