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Poet and historian Jennifer Michael Hecht talks about ritual, poetry, and awe.
Psychology Today
Poet and historian Jennifer Michael Hecht talks about ritual, poetry, and awe in her book 'The Wonder Paradox: Embracing the Weirdness of...
قبل 19 شهرًا
335. Jennifer Michael Hecht on How to Find Meaning, Purpose, and Happiness in Everyday Life
Skeptic Magazine
Shermer and Hecht discuss: awe and wonder • science and religion • the new atheists • humanism and atheism • secular Judaism • replacing...
قبل 22 شهرًا
Spiritual language for the non-believer: Jennifer Michael Hecht’s search for wonder
Philosopher, poet, and non-believer Jennifer Michael Hecht shares her passion for verse, text, and ritual. Hecht also touches on her past...
قبل 21 شهرًا
“I’m in Communion with Emily Dickinson.” Jennifer Michael Hecht on How to Navigate Our World Through Poetry
Literary Hub
Jennifer Michael Hecht is the guest. Her new book The Wonder Paradox: Embracing the Weirdness of Existence and the Poetry of Our Lives, is out now.
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The 10 Best Books of 2023, From California Review of Books
The Santa Barbara Independent
The following list was decided after much consultation between California Review of Books co-editors David Starkey and Brian Tanguay and the journals' most...
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Why the search for meaning is not a job for science — or religion
Big Think
Life is full of paradoxes, and perhaps the best way to approach them is through “poetic realism,” which encourages a sense of wonder and...
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Paradox can be frightening. It can be overwhelming. Especially when we want easy, safe answers and a comfortable life. Paradoxes challenge us.
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The San Antonio Book Festival’s Author Lineup is Here
San Antonio Magazine
Head downtown April 15 to hear from Matthew Desmond, Sandra Cisneros, Kiese Laymon, Melissa de la Cruz and nearly 100 other writers.
قبل 22 شهرًا
The Power of Everyday Awe
Harvard Business Review
In times of tumult, we need comfort, healing, and inspiration. A good way to find them is by appreciating the vast and wondrous things that transcend us,...
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Poets Jennifer Michael Hecht and Matthew Zapruder on Wonder, the Secular Sacred, and the Surprising Power of “Once Upon a Time”
Literary Hub
I've known Jennifer Michael Hecht since the early 2000's, when both of our first books of poetry came out around the same time from Tupelo...
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