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Stay: A History of Suicide and the Philosophies Against It by Jennifer Michael Hecht – review
The Guardian
Stay: A History of Suicide and the Philosophies Against It by Jennifer Michael Hecht – review ... Back around 510BC, when Rome was under the rule...
قبل 131 شهرًا
Stay: A History of Suicide and the Philosophies Against It
The Humanist
It's a Wonderful Life is such a cheery movie, we forget that the main character, George Bailey, gets drunk, crashes his car into a tree,...
قبل 129 شهرًا
Poetry Podcast: Jennifer Michael Hecht Reads Lucie Brock-Broido
The New Yorker
This month on the Poetry Podcast, Jennifer Michael Hecht reads “Noctuary,” by Lucie Brock-Broido. As its title indicates, the poem is a kind...
قبل 125 شهرًا
That Old-Time Irreligion (Published 2013)
The New York Times
The 19th-century freethinker Robert Ingersoll drew crowds with his brilliant oratory.
قبل 142 شهرًا
Book Review: Farewell to the World: A History of Suicide by Marzio Barbagli
LSE Blogs
In 1897, French sociologist Émile Durkheim presented the formative work, Suicide, which examined suicide through a social framework.
قبل 108 أشهر
When celebrities die by suicide, how much detail should be reported?
According to a World Health Organization study used to guide CBC's own reporting on suicides, it recommends avoiding a detailed description of the method used...
قبل 79 شهرًا
How the media covers celebrity suicides can have life-or-death consequences
It's important for news outlets to report on these deaths responsibly. by Jennifer Michael Hecht. Updated Jun 8, 2018, 9:16 AM PDT.
قبل 80 شهرًا
Stay: arguments against suicide
The Sydney Morning Herald
It's unlikely a person in the grip of suicidal thoughts is going to get through the 251 pages of Jennifer Michael Hecht's book Stay: A History of Suicide.
قبل 125 شهرًا