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يعد كتاب "تاريخ نيويورك" ، تحت عنوان "من بداية العالم إلى نهاية الأسرة الهولندية" ، محاكاة ساخرة أدبية 1809 عن التاريخ المبكر لمدينة نيويورك من قبل واشنطن إيرفينغ. نُشر أصلاً تحت اسم مستعار ديدريش نيكربوكر ، طُبعت الطبعات اللاحقة التي اعترفت... ويكيبيديا (إنجليزية)
A History of New York, subtitled From the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty, is an 1809 literary parody on the early history of New York ...
(28) · متوفّر
Told from Knickerbocker's point of view, A History of New York is a chronicle of New York's fifty years under Dutch rule in the 1600s that plays fast and loose ...
24/10/2024 · A History of New York, a satirical history by Washington Irving, published in 1809 and revised in 1812, 1819, and 1848.
A History of New York is a chronicle of New York's fifty years under Dutch rule in the 1600s that plays fast and loose with the facts, to uproarious effect.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete, by Washington Irving. This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost.
A History of New York is a chronicle of New York's fifty years under Dutch rule in the 1600s that plays fast and loose with the facts, to uproarious effect.
Irving changed his book by clarifying the historical ground of its pro- cedural indeterminacies. volumes by Inskeep and Bradford.
The book is a humorous and satirical examination of the early history of New York City, focusing particularly on its Dutch colonial period and its various ...
Told from Knickerbocker's point of view, A History of New York is a chronicle of New York's fifty years under Dutch rule in the 1600s that plays fast and loose ...
غير متوفّر
This item is no longer available. · Ended · $24.99 · Tue, Oct 15, 03:15 PM · See original listing ...
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