... meeting to be held at the Mansion House on Thursday , the 23rd of June . " 2 ia a م د 4 21 Σ -1. ferred to . Administered with the greatest success in cases of CONSUMPTION , 514 [ MAY 28 , 1869 THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS.
... meeting may be fatisfied of their call and qualification . It will also sometimes happen , that such as are not ... yearly meeting . They are conducted by rules pre- scribed by the yearly meeting , and have no authority to make any ...
... society ? What are its temptations ? Has it been known to lead any ... Yearly Meeting the membership was given incorrectly . There are at present ... London , on First - day evenings , at 7 o'clock . The list follows : IOWA ...
... Friends , Saron , Caermarthenshire Missionary Society , established in the County of Down , Ireland , by 160 310 . .. 55 Rev. Dr. Thomas Kennedy Bailie , treasurer .. د ... A Society of Females at Dunbar , by Mr. Thomas Aitken ...
London Literary and Critical Journal James Silk Buckingham, John Sterling ... friends only are admitted . BRITISH ARCHEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION . -The FOURTH MEETING ... SOCIETY . ( Incorporated by Royal Charter . ) Patron - HER MAJESTY ...
... in Cloth Limp , Price 1s . 6d . received by MARY J. CATLIN , Secretary , or ... Society . Just published , price 6d . , post free , REMARKS on SLAVERY in ... CONFERENCE , SAMUEL EVENS , and CHARLES W. THOMPSON , of London ; in ...
... Society , as a body , gratefully received it , and in the London Epis- tle of 1716 thus expressed their gratitude ... Meeting . During her illness of a few months she frequently suffered extremely , but the quietness and patience ...
... Friends ' Meeting- house , at Plaistow , in the parish of , and county of Essex 1396 Merchant ships , notice as to ... Society , quarterly general court of governors of - , annual general court for election of officers - , general ...
Irish Evangelical Society (DUBLIN). PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING , JULY 21st , 1825 . At the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Subscribers and Friends ... London , with its determination to augment the number of Students in its Academy ...
... London Association of the New Church , " composed of the minister and ... meeting recently , at the Church in Flodden - road , Camber- well . Tea ... Society , followed in an address , in the knows those who can be introduced in ...