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Graphic design - Private Press, Morris, Arts & Crafts
Graphic design - Private Press, Morris, Arts & Crafts: During the 19th century, one by-product of industrialism was a decline in the quality...
قبل 3 أيام
Watching the Loophole’s Spark
The Lamp Magazine
William Morris: Selected Writings , William Morris, ed. Ingrid Hanson, Oxford University Press, pp. 688, $145.00.
قبل 3 أيام
William Morris submarine seats? Gallery seeks ‘oddities’ adorned in famous print
The Guardian
The William Morris Gallery – housed in the 19th-century writer and artist's former home – is appealing to the public to send them all manner of artefacts...
قبل شهر واحد
Islamic art and the sumptuous Victorian designs of William Morris
Hyphen Online
William Morris & Art from the Islamic World exhibition, at the William Morris Gallery until 9 March 2025. Photograph courtesy of Nicola Tree...
قبل شهر واحد
How William Morris was inspired by Islamic arts — exhibition review
Financial Times
A London show shines light on a previously neglected influence on the most English of 19th-century designers.
قبل 3 أسابيع
William Morris’s debt to Islam
The Spectator
When William Morris was born in Walthamstow, in 1834, it was little more than a clump of marshland at the edge of the Epping Forest.
قبل 3 أسابيع
Rosemary Hill · At the William Morris Gallery: On Mingei
London Review of Books
Artistic influence may benefit from a degree of misunderstanding: it keeps it from lapsing into imitation. By the time William Morris...
قبل 4 أشهر
Stained glass exhibition - 'Inspired by William Morris'
Rochdale Borough Council
Members of the British Society of Master Glass Painters (BSMGP) have created 30cm x 30cm stained glass panels using both modern and traditional techniques.
قبل شهر واحد
Artificial intelligence and crafts: what would William Morris do?
The Architects’ Journal
Cristina Monteiro to consider the pioneering craftsman, designer and socialist William Morris and what he might have made of artificial intelligence.
قبل 8 أشهر
Judge orders prison time for ex-Adair police chief who sought dozens of machine guns
The Des Moines Register
Bradley Wendt, who was Adair police chief and owned his own gun store, was convicted of lying to ATF on forms to buy and sell restricted...
قبل 5 أشهر