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William Glenn Godwin Obituary - Paris, TX
Dignity Memorial
Celebrate the life of William Godwin, leave a kind word or memory and get funeral service information care of Bright-Holland Funeral Home.
قبل 12 شهرًا
William Godwin Obituary - Mobile, AL
Dignity Memorial
Celebrate the life of William Godwin, leave a kind word or memory and get funeral service information care of Pine Crest Funeral Home.
قبل 11 شهرًا
William Godwin’s birthday
By Mark Philp Do people at the end of the eighteenth century celebrate their birthdays? More precisely, what did William Godwin (1756-1836)...
قبل 130 شهرًا
William Godwin Obituary (1934 - 2022) - Longview, WA - The Daily News
William H. “Bill” Godwin, 88, of Kelso, a beloved Husband, Father, and Grandfather, passed away peacefully on August 19th, 2022.
قبل 28 شهرًا
William Mason "Bill" Godwin Obituary (2023) - Brewton, AL - Williams Memorial Chapel - Brewton
William Godwin Obituary GODWIN- Mr. William Mason "Bill" Godwin age 64 of Ridge Road Brewton, Alabama passed away Tuesday December 20,...
قبل 13 شهرًا
Gary Common Council president William Godwin resigns
Chicago Tribune
Gary City Councilman William Godwin, D-1st, the body's lame duck president, announced his resignation from the council during its Tuesday...
قبل 17 شهرًا
William Godwin Obituary (1941 - 2015) - Arlington, TX - Star-Telegram
William Walter Godwin Jr., 74, passed away Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015. Service: 11 am Monday at St. Joseph Catholic Community, Arlington.
قبل 39 شهرًا
William Odell Godwin Obituary - Hampton, VA
Dignity Memorial
Celebrate the life of William Godwin, leave a kind word or memory and get funeral service information care of Parklawn-Wood Funeral Home & Memorial Park.
قبل 82 شهرًا
Following the Flying Tigers
Moody Air Force Base (.mil)
U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. William Godwin, 41st Rescue Squadron acting first sergeant, has close ties with Flying Tiger heritage.
قبل 158 شهرًا
Former Gary Council president named to 2023-2024 class of White House Fellows
Lakeshore Public Media
The former Gary City Council president has gotten a fellowship at the White House. William Godwin is one of 15 members named to the...
قبل 16 شهرًا