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Robert Jay Lynam Obituary (2024) - Bellville, OH - Snyder Funeral Homes, DeVore Chapel
Robert Lynam Obituary Robert Jay Lynam "Grandpa Bob", 99, of Sunbury, Ohio, died peacefully on Friday August 02, 2024, at home surrounded by...
قبل 5 أشهر
Patricia Lynam Obituary - Hot Springs, AR
Dignity Memorial
Patricia Ann Lynam, 76, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, passed away Friday, August 2, 2024 at home surrounded by family and friends.
قبل 5 أشهر
Robert Lynam Obituary 2008
Robert ?Bob? D?Lacy Lynam, 61, of Jacksonville passed away Saturday, April 26, 2008 in Yuma, Arizona. He was the son of Oliver Berry and...
قبل 200 شهر
The ‘Mysterious’ Uncle Ted
The American Conservative
The story of a second former priest, also the receiver of a settlement from the Catholic Church, whose story of priestly sex play at a New York state fish camp...
قبل 77 شهرًا
Obituaries in Westampton, NJ
Burlington County Times
Cheri Anne LeBeau, of Swedesboro, NJ passed away at her residence surrounded by her family after a struggle with illness, on November 1, the Feast of All...
قبل 38 شهرًا
Robert Lee "Bob" Lynam Obituary (2021) - Wetumka, OK - Parks Brothers Funeral Home
Robert Lynam Obituary Funeral services for Robert Lee "Bob" Lynam will be held Friday, December 3, 2021 at 2:00 PM at the Parks Brothers Funeral Home Chapel...
قبل 34 شهرًا
Catholic family finds healing after son’s drug overdose
Catholic Philly
Bobby Reiss is shown in the first month of treatment at the Hartman House, Delray Beach, Fla.. (CNS photo/courtesy Reiss family,...
قبل 80 شهرًا
James Lynam Obituary (1946 - 2017) - Warsaw, KY - Kentucky Enquirer
James Robert Lynam, 71, of Warsaw, KY passed away Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Florence, KY.
قبل 85 شهرًا
Memorial Day weekend brings familiar summer scenes with a COVID-19 twist
The News Journal
Memorial Day weekend at the Delaware beaches brought surprisingly beautiful weather, but not the crowds resort towns and businesses usually...
قبل 55 شهرًا
Robert Lynam Eddleman and Terri Jabs Kurth Sentenced in U.S. District Court
United States Department of Justice (.gov)
Robert Lynam Eddleman, a 51-year-old resident of Red Lodge, and Terri Jabs Kurth, a 44-year-old resident of Billings, each appeared for sentencing.
قبل 185 شهرًا