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University of South Carolina
One of the university's most historic areas is the Old Campus or Horseshoe. Its inclusion on the National Register of Historic places is an acknowledgment...
قبل 40 شهرًا
Throwback to school 📷
Here's some history of The Horseshoe at UofSC in photos with help from University Archivist Elizabeth West and Historic Columbia's Katherine Allen.
قبل 87 شهرًا
National Toboggan Championships 2023: Easygoing, happy crowd gathers for annual midwinter competition
PenBay Pilot
CAMDEN — The chute took a new path this year, dumping toboggan racers into bales of hay instead of the Hosmer Pond ice, and it was a shorter...
قبل 21 شهرًا
Historic Horseshoe
University of South Carolina
The historic University of South Carolina Horseshoe is a living, breathing and ever-changing blueprint of the university's rich and unique history.
قبل 43 شهرًا
Camden preps for 33rd National Toboggan Championships
The Camden Snow Bowl is...
قبل 10 أشهر
Edwards with a Southern Accent: How Northampton Made Waves in Dixie
Desiring God
While many disciples of Jonathan Edwards fought for abolition, Southern Baptist Edwardseans championed slavery. How did the same theology...
قبل 25 شهرًا
Did All Baptists Want a Wall? Early Postures Toward Religious Liberty
Desiring God
Many historians assume all Baptists in early America wanted a Jeffersonian wall between church and state. But at least four groups of...
قبل 19 شهرًا
How Baptists have been committed to religious liberty and the common good
The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission
Throughout its history, the Baptist commitment to religious liberty coalesced with an abiding and deep care for the broader political society.
قبل 20 شهرًا
South Carolina's 'Horseshoe' offers a pathway through campus, history
Columbia Missourian
COLUMBIA, South Carolina — Under low-hanging trees that cast shadows over patches of multi-colored grass and leaves, "the Horseshoe" remains...
قبل 96 شهرًا
Toboggan National Championship winners: Bolts, Splittin’ Adams, Spudrunners....
PenBay Pilot
CAMDEN — The 29th annual Toboggan National Championships came to a close by 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 10, with the winners announced.
قبل 69 شهرًا