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Cy-Fair ISD’s focus on libraries followed flood of book challenges by two trustees’ inner circles
Houston Public Media
Board member Todd LeCompte, his wife, his campaign treasurer and the wife of trustee Lucas Scanlon accounted for 52 of the 58 book...
قبل 3 أشهر
Cy-Fair ISD board to consider library policy changes
Community Impact
A proposal to further revise Cy-Fair ISD library policies is on the agenda for upcoming board meetings June 13 and June 17.
قبل 7 أشهر
Parents push back: Here's the latest on Cy-Fair ISD’s proposed library policy revisions
Community Impact
Under the revised policy, the board of trustees would have ultimate authority over approving books librarians want to add to their collections.
قبل 7 أشهر
New Cy-Fair ISD library policy increases transparency
Community Impact
New library policies are in effect in Cy-Fair ISD to give parents more transparency while ensuring students have access to age-appropriate...
قبل 22 شهرًا
Cy-Fair ISD trustees approve Bible-focused electives, hear concerns over busing plan
Houston Chronicle
Trustees on Monday night passed new Bible study electives for the 2025-26 school year, approved the amended library materials policy and argued over whether...
قبل 5 أشهر
Island man recovering from bike accident
The Martha's Vineyard Times
JJ Mendez Jr. is recovering from a major bike accident that left him with severe injuries. The community has since rallied to create and fund a GoFundMe page.
قبل 43 شهرًا
Conservative politics influences Cyfair ISD move to change science textbooks
Houston Chronicle
Cypress-Fairbanks ISD trustees voted to remove 13 chapters from science, health and education textbooks last month.
قبل 7 أشهر
A New DC Gym Wants to Recreate Your High School Sports Team Glory Days
It's a team-based sports conditioning workout coupled with high intensity training, as well as strength resistance training and functional training.
قبل 101 شهر
MVRHS varsity lacrosse dominates on Senior Day
The Martha's Vineyard Times
The Vineyarders dominated the Fairhaven Blue Devils defensively, and capitalized on every opportunity during their final home game of the season.
قبل 80 شهرًا
Ornate ceilings and a massive vault: See inside this long-vacant building in downtown D.C.
The Business Journals
The building that once was planned to house a museum dedicated to the Armenian genocide has a brightly lit main level and the potential for...
قبل 115 شهرًا