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... All the ... series by Herbert Lockyer ( Grand Rapids , Mich .: Zondervan Publishing Corporation , 1988 ) is invaluable . From it you can find out about every apostle mentioned in the Bible ; every book and chapter ; biblical doctrine ...
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A Fascinating Look at How Biblical Prophecies Paved the Way for Jesus Christ In this remarkable volume, Dr. Herbert Lockyer examines all the prophecies in Scripture concerning the promised Messiah, his ministry, and his message.
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... Series by Herbert Lockyer . Zondervan Publishing House . Price 15c each ... all the passages of the Bible that refer to the subject he is presenting ... all times . The hours one spends reading " Mighty prevailing Prayer " are ...
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Angelic encounters with men and women through thousands of years are described.
bibliogroup:""All" series / by Herbert Lockyer" من
Who were these men whom Jesus chose, in whose honor cathedrals have been built, around whom legend has spun golden webs, and whose names have been used in naming multitudes since?