But that s just the surface of the story. What if you could get past the commonly recognized pieces of the account that tells how and why Jesus Christ died the story everyone thinks he or she already understands?
If the cry of your heart is to walk as Jesus walked and to know the power of the Holy Spirit that the Bible talks about, you have picked up the right book.
There's More to This StoryThan You've Been ToldIs there more about the story of Christmas you wish you understood or that you have specific questions about?
Whether you’re looking to deepen your personal study of the Bible or you’re interested in what Scripture has to say on a particular subject, this book is sure to be an invaluable addition to your Christian library.
A teacher nicknamed him Stupid for an entire school year...job-placement counselors told him to steer clear of college due to his academic ineptitude...friends shied away from him because of his love for the arts...even those closest to him ...
In these insightful lessons, Taste and See That the Lord Is Good, Rick Renner covers five things that God has done for you — and helps you to know how to enjoy and experience them regularly in life: Divine Sonship Divine Nature Divine ...
You Need a Foundation That You Can Build Your Life Upon!Many Christians have a limited understanding of basic Bible doctrine, and this lack of knowledge breeds frustration and robs them of many blessings that belong to them as believers.
Keep Your Fire Burning In A Life Ablaze, author Rick Renner offers an on-time message that is crucial for every Christian in this end-time season of the Church.
In his classic and updated message, The Point of No Return, Rick Renner presents a clear, no-nonsense approach to help you prepare for and carry out each new assignment God gives you in pursuit of His purpose for your life.