This anthology, combining articles by Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and Native American scholar, looks at the environmental crisis through a spiritual lens.
All of us who eat should count ourselves lucky to have this indispensable book."--Michael Pollan, author ofThe Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World
All of us who eat should count ourselves lucky to have this indispensable book."--Michael Pollan, author ofThe Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World
The Essential Teachings of Shinran, also, includes a foreword by Shin Buddhist scholar, Rueben Habito, a detailed glossary of foreign terms, and a select bibliography for further reading.
This beautiful book takes Grinnell's classic work on the Cheyenne Indians andcondenses it into 240 fully illustrated pages of his most essential writings.During his career as editor of "Field & Stream" magazine, Grinnell documentedseveral ...
This Commemorative Edition of The Gospel of the Redman honors Ernest Thompson Seton, renowned naturalist, artist, and founder of the Boy Scouts of America.
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy was engaged in the world not only as a scholarly expositor of traditional culture and philosophy, but also as a radical critic of contemporary life.